This is not
our planet!
This is Venus 700
million years ago

Temperature was 20 Celsius
| Temperature was 20 Celsius |

And this is Venus Today...
Temperature is
500 Celsius


Drastic climate change 700 million years ago made the planet's atmosphere incredibly dense and hot.

And the main reason was the CO2 concentration that created the greenhouse effect and burnt up the planet.

Venus was once more Earth-like, but climate change made it uninhabitable.
And our planet is on a same path.

Less than one billion years ago, the climate dramatically changed due to a runaway greenhouse effect. It can be speculated that an intensive period of volcanism pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause this great climate change event that evaporated the oceans and caused the end of the water cycle. Currently our emissions are 36 billion mega tons, while vulcanic activities only generate 100 million megatons. We are Heading towards the Venusian scenario 360 times faster then it should be.


Can we change our fate?

The choice is ours to make—will we heed the lessons from our planetary neighbor, or could we potentially be next?


As Earth's climate continues to change at an unprecedented rate, spurred by industrial activity and increased greenhouse gas emissions, the question arises: Are we heading towards a fate similar to that of Venus? Venus, often referred to as Earth's "evil twin," experienced runaway greenhouse effects that rendered it inhospitable with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead and an atmosphere thick with carbon dioxide.


‘Code red': UN scientists warn of worsening global warming

The U.N. report warns climate change will likely make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer and more dangerous in the next 18 years with an “unavoidable” increase in risks.

Today’s children who may still be alive in the year 2100 are going to experience four times more climate extremes than they do now even with only a few more tenths of a degree of warming over today’s heat. But if temperatures increase nearly 2 more degrees Celsius from now (3.4 degrees Fahrenheit) they would feel five times the floods, storms, drought and heat waves, according to the collection of scientists at the IPCC. Already at least 3.3 billion people’s daily lives “are highly vulnerable to climate change” and 15 times more likely to die from extreme weather, the report says. Large numbers of people are being displaced by worsening weather extremes. And the world’s poor are being hit by far the hardest, it says.


Until 2050 1,2 billion people will leave their homes, but together we can give them a reason to stay










Welcome to
Venus City!

Where all the nations are working together to integrate millions of climate migrants into 3D printed Self-sustaining, eco villages. From these smart cities all climate migrants can find clean air, clean water and clean energy for the daily life.

  • about-tick-img
    Real solution to slow down migration
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    Running on 100% clean energy
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    AI powered vertical farming
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    Saves us from uncontrolled migration

Watch the video what represents our vision



Dooley Awadalla

Co-founder / CFO

Thomas Heinfart

Co-founder / Director

Hanan Shamsan

Co-founder / Business development


Venus City is a pioneering urban development project designed to address the challenges posed by climate-induced migration. By harnessing advanced technologies and sustainable practices, Venus City aims to create a self-sufficient, environmentally friendly community that serves as a model for future cities around the world. FAQ 2: How is Venus City financed?
The financing of Venus City is a strategic redirection of funds that are currently spent on emergency responses to migration. By investing in a sustainable infrastructure that prevents displacement and integrates migrants effectively, we not only save resources in the long run but also create a more stable and prosperous environment for all residents.
Venus City reallocates budgets from short-term, costly migrant integration strategies to long-term, sustainable urban development. This includes building infrastructure that supports complete communities—such as housing, schools, and healthcare facilities—that can better integrate migrants and provide a higher quality of life.
Investing in Venus City translates into significant economic benefits. These include creating jobs in construction, technology, and service sectors; stimulating local economies; enhancing property values; and reducing future expenditures on crisis management. Additionally, Venus City's focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency can lead to substantial savings on energy and resources.
Transparency and accountability are core principles of Venus City’s financing model. Investors and contributors can track how their funding is used through regular updates and detailed reports. Moreover, Venus City plans to implement cutting-edge blockchain technology to manage and record all transactions transparently, ensuring that every dollar is accounted for and spent towards building a sustainable future.
No, the economic system within Venus City operates on a unique model tailored to foster community involvement and sustainability. Residents, including climate migrants, will earn a Venusian digital currency, which they can use within the city. This digital currency is awarded for participation in various community-centric activities such as running vertical farms, preparing food, engaging in educational programs, and maintaining good behavior. This system not only incentivizes positive community participation but also helps integrate new residents into the city's economy and social fabric, promoting a cohesive and active community.
The primary source of power for Venus City will be a revolutionary cryogenic power plant, a cutting-edge facility at the forefront of sustainable technology. This plant captures hot air from the atmosphere, utilizing its energy to generate electricity while also reducing the ambient temperature by 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to power generation, this innovative system extracts water from atmospheric humidity—enough to sustain an entire village. The operation is based on a thermodynamic cycle involving liquid nitrogen, making the cryogenic power plant not just a utility provider but a vital lifeline for Venus City, ensuring both energy and water needs are met sustainably.

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